Remembering Empire

Fiona is Senior Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Stirling, and an AHRC Leadership Fellow. Her research interests lie in the aspects of postcolonial France which have emerged from France’s history in North Africa, and how these have been represented in literature and film. Her work approaches the Mediterranean basin as a transnational space marked by cultural exchanges and physical, colonial and postcolonial migration, which continues to be shaped by the traces of shared histories, and by individual and collective narratives of memory and identification.
She has published widely on the role of memory in French literary and cinematic representations of Algeria, including Writing Postcolonial France: Haunting, Literature, and the Maghreb (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011), and France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2013).