Haicheng Gu
Associate Editor
Haicheng Gu is an associate editor at Springer Nature, where Haicheng is responsible for acquiring new Computer Science Proceedings for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series. Haicheng holds a Master’s Degree in applied mathematics. His research work mainly focused on SAR/ISAR image reconstruction, compressed sensing, financial mathematics, nonlinear integrable dynamical systems and hierarchies of nonlinear evolution equations. Before starting his career at Springer, he worked for UT system, Rice and FLTRP with 7+ years of working experience, and published the first ten-volume bilingual paper collection of Nature Magazine in China as the book editor. Haicheng is available for discussing conference proceeding proposals from Asia, as well as Oceania. You can reach Haicheng at herman.gu@springernature.com.