Risikomanagement in Projekten

Born in 1955 in Herat, Afghanistan, he began his career for a Siemens subsidiary. He changed his professional perspective every four years. The second stage of his career was at the software house Wesser-Informatik in Oberaichen. He then worked for the Project Management Academy in Stuttgart as a project manager. Most recently, he worked for almost 20 years at Daimler AG. Currently he is assigned as IT expert by Daimler AG and conducts seminars in Germany and abroad for AKKA Technologies SE and the Daimler Training Academy. The first edition of the book has been taught for five semesters at the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences. He gives lectures for students of the Daimler AG at the DHBW and is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Pforzheim.