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Livre + cours en ligne par Springer Nature

 Book + Online course illustration

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Subordination and Discrimination in Global Supply Chains

the course gives more insight especially on why women participation is very low in trade union activities and how that can be handled to incorporate more women in activism. A very insightful course

Alone Somerai

Amélioration des connaissances dans le domaine changement climatique

Connaissance approfondie sur les émissions des gaz à effet de serre. La pollution des atmosphères.

Monsieur Adam Hissein Mahamat

Inhaltlich gehaltvoll und sehr gut strukturiert!

Ich fand den Kurs kompakt, informativ und inhaltlich anspruchsvoll gestaltet. Besondere Freude bereitet die interaktive Beteiligungsmöglichkeit und die Möglichkeit zur Diskussion mit anderen Kursteilnehmern.

Catherine Battle

Great course on discrimination in global supply chains

Well versed and experienced instructors and experts give lectures on a very relevant topic. Accompanying workshops provide a platform for interaction with experts for further clarification of the question.

Benjamin Velasco

c'est un cours bien structuré

toutes les chapitres ont été contributive à mon édification. une bonne communication doit être fait autour de ce cours pour qu'il soit un élément pivot dans le processus de changement visais de l'environnement en tenant compte de l'importance de la préservation du travail .

Narcisse ZANNOU


Brought awareness on me as an individual that I might be biased towards others without noticing or being concious about it.

Bukula Skhosana


Tout le monde a besoins de ses cours, pour comprendre l'évolution climatique et technologique. Mais le cours est juste en deux langue ( l'allemand et l'anglais). Faut multiplier les langues


Die Argumente der Spezialisten waren für mich sehr relevant und interessant.

Die Plattform ist einfach wunderbar! Komplexe Fragen werden hier ganz einfach erklärt – klar und verständlich.

Madame Larysa Zubko


The first time I actually get to understand the basics and how to take a report and look at it without getting lost. The book as well is amazing, thank you

Weaam Ali

It was well paced. Their delivery is formidable and I don't see any issues regarding to the topic, I am indeed interested into this lesson.

I love the part where she mentioned the renewable energy and other energies as well its drawback. I love the part where they mentioned about how it will affect us and they even share knowledge about how to reduce it.

Monsieur Marlon Quiamco Jr.


Les syndicats n'ont pas connaissance des réalités du réchauffement climatique et de ses impacts sur l'environnement et la population

Monsieur Valère Rabet

Measure taking by actors to reduce emissions1, eg.providing subside for renewable energy or CO2 free technology, CO2 price,

My like: actors are informing the world most especially developing countries about climate change and global warming and how to reduce the emissions. Dislike: Develop counties reluctant to implement climate change police, develop countries are the high usual of energy.


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Welcome to the Springer Campus Academy! Discover our carefully selected range of online courses, especially for professionals in the laboratory and pharmaceutical sector. We are delighted that you are interested in our courses and hope that they will help you in your professional and personal career development. Whether you are just starting your career or have already gained a lot of experience, our courses off...
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