Ken Guy
freelance consultant
Ken Guy operates as a freelance consultant under the umbrella of Wise Guys Ltd., a company he launched in 2000 to conduct innovation policy research and provide advice to policymakers and administrators. Formerly an academic at SPRU, University of Sussex, and founder of Technopolis Ltd., an innovation policy consultancy he established in 1989, he was also a member of the EU’s Innovation Union Task Force from 2009-11 and Head of the OECD’s Science and Technology Policy Division from 2012-2015. On leaving the OECD in January 2015, he returned to Wise Guys Ltd., where recent projects have included leading the team of external consultants involved in the OECD’s Review of Swedish Innovation Policy; chairing an EU Expert Group responsible for an ex-ante evaluation of a proposed Article 185 initiative to support R&D and innovation in the Mediterranean region; and conducting a comparative assessment of country review procedures across the OECD, with a view to improving value for money.