Carlos Vaz de Carvalho
I'm currently Professor at the Computer Eng. Dep. of the Engineering School of the Porto Polytechnic (ISEP). I'm also Director of Virtual Campus Lda, an SME dedicated to Technology Enhanced Learning and Serious Games.
I have a PhD (2001) in Technologies and Information Systems from the University of Minho, focusing on the use of e-learning in Higher Education.
As professor, I've lectured more than 20 different courses on Algorithms, Programming, Data Structures, E-Learning and Multimedia. Currently I'm lecturing Serious Games Design and Multimedia Application Development. I was responsible for planning and developing the syllabuses and materials for most of these courses.
I started my research career in 1988 at INESC in the Computer Graphics Group. In 1996, I focused in Technology Enhanced Learning while doing my PhD at the University of Minho. From 2005 to 2014, I was Scientific Coordinator of GILT R&D (Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies). I've directed eight PhD and 40 MSc theses and authored over 200 publications and communications, including more than ten books (as author and editor). I coordinated 16 national and European projects and participated in more than 20 other projects. I worked as an expert for the European Commission and associated agencies in the scope of the Socrates-ODL, Minerva, E-Learning, E-Contents Plus, Lifelong Learning and Erasmus+ programmes.
On the management side, I directed the Distance Education Unit of the Porto Polytechnic from 1997 until 2000. From 2001 until 2005 I was E-Learning Director of ISEP and served as Dean of the Computer Eng. Dep. between 2003 and 2005. Between 2011 and 2013 I was President of the Portuguese Chapter of the IEEE Education Society.