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Javier Bravo Agapito, Aurora Centellas Rodrigo, Raquel Aguayo Sarasa, Roberto Díez Yagüe, Diana Martínez Sánchez, and Sergio Comerón Sánchez Paniagua

Spanish for Beginners

Want to speak Spanish? This course will teach you Spanish with video sequences that use real situations in a variety of contexts. Learn the basics for understanding and communicating in both a practical and fun way. Enrol today!

  • FREE
  • language English and Spanish
  • topics Languages
  • paid certificate included with certificate upgrade option

What is the course about?

This introductory Spanish course consists of 23 video sequences distributed in 20 chapters. The sequences show real communicative situations in different contexts so that you can gain a practical and useful understanding of the Spanish Language. Each chapter follows the same structure: introductory stage, observation stage (language and communication), exercises and self-assessment. The course applies an immersive approach, giving you the content in Spanish from the start. It may be overwhelming at first, but it is also one of the fastest ways to learn a language - we invite you to jump right in and have fun!

The course includes the following topics:

  • En contacto con el Español.
  • Gente que conocemos.
  • El entorno. Ciudades y barrios.
  • Actividad social: comidas y bebidas.
  • Hábitos para el tiempo libre.

Learning Objectives

This course aims to:

  • turn the learning of Spanish into a ludic and playful experience.
  • solve different actual situations of everyday life in a practical way in order to help the student acquire a basic but fluent communicative competence.

What do I need to know?

No prior knowledge is required. You should only come with a willingness to challenge yourself and explore a new language.

Course Content

Everyday vocabulary

• Names and greetings
• Origins and nationality
• Public transport
• Describing people, family and friends
• Locations
• Common adjectives
• Activities

Basic phrases and conversation

• Asking how someone is doing
• Talking about hobbies and interests
• Asking for directions
• Talking about food and drink
• Asking the time/quantities
• Ordering in a restaurant
• Talking about the weather
• Making judgements


• Pronunciation
• Sound


• Tenses & sentence construction
• Nouns and pronouns
• Regular and irregular verbs
• Adjectives and adverbs
• Prepositions
• Comparatives & superlatives

Interrogative Elements

• What?
• Why?
• Where?
• How?
• How many?

And much more...

We invite you to access one of the most widely spoken languages in the world:

enter image description here

Image: Wiki commons, usegreatpower

Course instructors

  • FREE
  • language English and Spanish
  • topics Languages
  • paid certificate included with certificate upgrade option