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Migration Matters e.V., Naika Foroutan, and Irene Bloemraad

Rethinking 'Us' & 'Them': Integration and Diversity in Europe

What would it take to create truly integrated societies in diverse countries where migration is part and parcel of economic and social life?

  • FREE
  • mandatory workload 2 h 39 min
  • language English
  • topics Social Sciences & Humanities
  • paid certificate included with certificate upgrade option

What is the course about?

What would it take to create truly integrated societies in diverse countries where migration is part
and parcel of economic and social life? Learn from top academics, hands-on practitioners, citizens,
and migrants and refugees in as little as 5 minutes a day.

Increased diversity in Europe is a problem for some, a cause for celebration for others, and a lived
reality for many. But while we hear all the time from politicians and media that successful
integration is the solution, we have a hunch that we may not all be talking about the same thing.
In this course, we’ll be tackling some controversial topics and big ideas related to integration such as
multiculturalism, plurality, identity, and belonging from the perspectives of research, praxis, and
personal experience. We will examine two case studies: Germany, a country that has seen a recent
increase in immigrant arrivals, and Canada, a country that is often seen as a poster child for

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The two core lecturers for the course, Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan and Prof. Dr. Irene Bloemraad, are
foremost experts on integration and managing diversity in Germany and Canada, respectively. They
are joined by practitioners and social entrepreneurs, volunteers and activists, and migrants and
refugees to offer a holistic look at this complex topic.

Our aim is not to cover wide academic territory or provide you with definitive answers. What we
offer you is a nuanced starting ground from which to begin your own explorations. So, don’t expect
long lectures in front of blackboards, homework, or tests. Do expect bite-sized lectures you can
watch on your coffee break, a multitude of voices to nourish your mind, and chances to contribute
your own voice.

Our course may be bite-sized, but it has one big aim: to empower more evidence-based and
solutions-oriented conversations about immigrant integration in Europe today. Enroll now and learn
in as little as 5 minutes a day!

Target Group

This course is aimed at anyone interested in gaining a well-rounded, nuanced, and accessible take on
concepts we hear about so often in public debate in diverse societies.

More specific groups within this audience include:

  • Students (high school and above) ​learning about immigration, demographics, intercultural studies, or globalization
  • Volunteers and activists ​who work with immigrants and migrants and wish to be equipped with more facts and evidence to spread their message
  • Refugees and migrants​ who want to better understand the integration debates in Europe and the types of organizations offering services in the field

Prior Knowledge

This course requires no prior knowledge, only a good grasp of English and curiosity in the topic.
Actually, you should enroll even if you’re not that curious, because this is a topic that affects all of
us, and we plan to spark your interest!

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with:

  • A solid grasp of the immigrant integration debate in Germany and Canada
  • A nuanced take on integration from the perspectives of research, praxis, and the personal level
  • A broader understanding of the ‘we’ in diverse societies
  • More confidence to go out and have difficult conversations about immigrant integration and diversity in their communities

Course Structure

Chapter 1. Understanding Diversity

Chapter 2. Exploring Identity

Chapter 3. Integration - What Is It and What Works?

Chapter 4. Citizenship & Participation

Chapter 5. Rethinking Inclusion in Practice

What is included in this course?

This course consists of high quality, short-form educational videos and resources including links for further learning about the topic (videos, literature, blog posts, etc.). In the discussion forum and interactive Learning Journal, participants will be able to share their thoughts and learnings with other course takers as well as give each other feedback.

Course instructors

  • FREE
  • mandatory workload 2 h 39 min
  • language English
  • topics Social Sciences & Humanities
  • paid certificate included with certificate upgrade option