Critical Thinking for Business + Book
Combined package
With the purchase of this combined package you will receive access to the course "Critical Thinking for Business" and to the e-book "Critical Thinking for Managers". This way you can round off your learning experience and also have the opportunity to benefit from our special price.
Certificate of participation
After completion of the course you will receive a certificate of participation. This document confirms your active participation in the course. It contains your name, the name of the instructor and a description of the course.
With the confirmation email for the purchase you will receive a code with which you can download the e-book.
Products included in the set

In the World Economic Forum 2016 report "Future of Jobs", chief HR and strategy officers from leading global employers predicted that Critical Thinking will become the 2nd most important skill for employees by 2020. It's no surprise. In today's rapidly changing business landscape, knowing how to quickly navigate complex problems, break down constant incoming information and respond to new situations puts professionals at an incredible advantag...