Community Quality-of-Life Indicators

Community Quality-of-Life Indicators

special price

205.20 €

prix normal: 245 €

vous économisez: 39.80 €

16% saved

Community Quality-of-Life Indicators + eBook

Combined package

With the purchase of this combined package you will receive access to the course "Community Quality-of-Life Indicators" and to the e-book "Community Quality-of-Life Indicators". This way you can round off your learning experience and also have the opportunity to benefit from our special price.

Certificate of participation

After completion of the course you will receive a certificate of participation. This document confirms your active participation in the course. It contains your name, the name of the instructor and a description of the course.


With the e-mail confirming your purchase, you will receive a link through which you can download the e-book.

Produits inclus dans le set

199 €
Community Quality-of-Life Indicators

M. Joseph Sirgy

This course is designed to help community indicator researchers and those who are stepping into this position enhance their professional knowledge of the subject matter.  The course contains ten modules. The first module is essentially an introduction to the course.  The second module discusses the theoretical foundations of community indicators research. Five theoretical concepts are described guiding the formulation of community i...

Community Quality-of-Life Indicators
Community Quality-of-Life Indicators
46 €
Community Quality-of-Life Indicators