Thomas Knoblauch
16 Apr 2016, 11:44 PM
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Create a journal entry: Define your goals


Please note in your journal what drives you to take part in the online course Chinese Contemporary Art Award and what goals you want to achieve with the course.

Motivation and goals


Different reasons drive me to take part in this training course.

First of all I want to deepen my knowledge about Chinese art. I adore Ai Weiwei, and other Chinese artists. I’ve studied art in munich and was “Meisterschüler” at Professor Robin Page class.

Second I’m very interested how the political system and or culture affects the artists – are ideas and topics inherent to the system? How globalization challenges the artists?

We in middle Europe (especially Germany) had a similar situation – remember BRD/DDR situation and artists and till now we have a “German” culture clash.

Third I’m very curious how this learning format will work – I’m a co-founder and co-owner of an elearning company in Germany.

Forth Due to this job we accompany companies in this global world with all the culture clash globalization will affect. I’m looking forward to get some answers in this online course.

And I’m very curious how art and cultural globalization will be presented with the example of Chinese art. And I think digitalization should also be an important part in cultural presentation and education.


Elisabeth Danuser (instructor)
about 8 years ago

Hi Thomas
indeed, this sounds quite similar to the chinese situation. Could you maybe share more tendencies you observe? Could be very interesting to hear about your view of cultural globalisation with focus in Europe compared to China.
Looking forward to hearing from you

Thomas Knoblauch
about 8 years ago

Hi Elisabeth,

yes I'll try to summarize my observations these days. Although I think culture globalisation was no headline in this age. Global cold war was it. (but war is also one characteristic of human culture).

But I think artist position in socialistic and communist regime were the same!


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