Roberto Strano
12 Feb 2016, 12:11 PM
Chapters 3 › Unit 5: Reason & argue or how to win your battles: Examples of arguments: good & bad View instructions Hide instructions

Examples of arguments: good & bad

Here you have more examples of arguments. Decide which of them are good and which are bad. Bad arguments are those that are based on dubious premises or those that are based on logical fallacies.

Analyse the following statements and share your finding in the learning journal.

  1. Nature is governed by fixed and unchangeable laws. But every law is the work of some legislator. Therefore, there is some legislator responsible for the governing of nature.
  2. You should believe John because what he says is the truth.
  3. You can’t have total government control over an industry and no regulation at all at the same time. We shouldn’t allow the government to take total control of an industry. Therefore, it should be completely free of government regulation.
  4. You don't want tea, therefore you must want coffee
  5. All whales are mammals. All mammals are warm-blooded. So all whales are warm-blooded.
  6. I am the greatest basketball player in the world. Therefore, I am a better basketball player than Kobe Bryant.

Examples of arguments : good & bad


1) Nature is governed by fixed and unchangeable laws. But every law is the work of some legislator. Therefore, there is some legislator responsible for the governing of nature.
1) BAD in my opinion this is not right, because nature is the result of billion of years of work. the nature we have now is made by a slow evolution and not by someone

2)You should believe John because what he says is the truth.
2) BAD because two persons which are saying something don't make what they say true.

3)You can’t have total government control over an industry and no regulation at all at the same time. We shouldn’t allow the government to take total control of an industry. Therefore, it should be completely free of government regulation.

4)You don't want tea, therefore you must want coffee

4) BAD because could be that i don't want both coffee and tea. that was just a personal supposition

5) All whales are mammals. All mammals are warm-blooded. So all whales are warm-blooded.

5)GOOD . this is an objective fact. no one can refuse this statement.

6) I am the greatest basketball player in the world. Therefore, I am a better basketball player than Kobe Bryant.

6) BAD if it is just his personal opinion ( i'm the greatest) and also if he is Kobe Bryant because he can't be better then himself.
6) GOOD if "i'm the greatest..." is a statement not said by him and at the same time he is not Kobe Bryant.

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