Nneka Njaka
03 Mar 2016, 04:49 PM
Chapters 2 › Unit 6: Share Your Story! ☝: Share Your Story! ☝ View instructions Hide instructions

Share Your Story! ☝



I have a very active imagination. It is forever looking for something to fixate on. Usually there is never a dull moment for me, because I can take the most mundane thing and turn it into a feature length movie at the drop of a hat.

That is why for me reading provides the best method of assimilating new information. As long the information is properly crafted, reading it creates a picture for me that I can easily learn from. The next best thing to that is watching a video. The fact there are moving pictures on the screen, keeps my mind anchored and prevents it from wandering off to whatever catches its fancy, that way I can focus on the learning material.

This is the reason why audio is the least productive for me. As long as I do not have something that is related to the course to look at, my mind will get easily distracted, so I end up rewinding the course every 2 minutes because I would have lost my train of thought.

teamreading #teamvideo all the way

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