Joan Kerr
05 Nov 2016, 11:21 PM

Victory Gardens for Everyday Nourishment


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With the growing crisis of preventable diseases, such as Type diabetes and obesity, the need for nutrition education is imperative. We are bombarded by the media on living health, Being healthy is an achievable goal if we know the fundamental of the nutrient value of food.

The Victory Garden is a historic solution that can be reignited to respond to today's issues of food security, nutrition education and community building. I am going to create a Victory Garden toolkit that amplify the nutrient value of fruits and vegetables, fundamentals of social entrepreneurship and preserving harvests


Eliana Ifill
over 7 years ago

I think you could also find a way to link this with different organizations (think schools, youth centers, and many more) to help raise awareness to the issue and the easy solutions you are offering. Also, community organizations would be great in small areas where people can grow their own food along with their neighbors, maybe in parks, etc.

Joan Kerr
over 7 years ago

Thanks Eliana, that's part of the outreach

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