Evan Partalis
28 Jul 2016, 03:23 PM
Chapters 3 › Review Understanding & Goal Adjustment: Compare Your Understanding With the Definition View instructions Hide instructions

Compare Your Understanding With the Definition

What have you learned so far?

Now that you know more about how we define digital transformation, its core concepts and its impact, compare your understanding from the previous chapter with what you have learned in this one.

Go back to the beginning of this chapter and revise your understanding and definition. Revisit your goals from chapter 1 and adjust them to reflect your learning.

Discuss your insights within your learning group when you're done.

Also, please take the time to give us some feedback on this MVP in the discussion forum.

Compare Your Understanding With the Definition - Answers


My understanding now vs previous chapter...

I don't have any large changes. Digital Transformation for me simply means that your company first creates then leverages digital tools/networks to an extent where a significant portion of its revenue is generated through the leveraging of those digital tools/networks.

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