Vaibbhav Taraate

STA and Timing for VLSI beginners

  • 45 min
  • Englisch
  • Informatik
  • 29
  • mit Zertifikat

What is the course about?

This Espresso course is designed for VLSI beginners and covers the basics of timing and timing analysis in a quick and consistent way. The course has 10 Units and each unit is based on the practical concepts required to understand the digital circuit timing. The course serves as a foundation course for engineers, who wish to pursue their career in the area of VLSI design!

The duration of this course is only 45 minutes and it contains video sessions with subtitles for easy understanding of the concepts. The content is presented in such a way that, it explains basics to complex scenarios in a very simple way!

To gain and to apply the concepts, assignment and quizzes are also included.

Course content

Propagation Delay
Timing Parameters of flip-flop
Timing Issues in Design
Timing paths
Maximum Frequency Calculation
Setup Slack calculation
Hold Slack
Clock Skew
Maximum Frequency Calculation
Concluding Session

Course instructors

Ausgewählte Bewertungen

Gesamtbewertung 5.0 (1 Teilnehmer)

Nithin Kamath K
fast 3 Jahren

These course modules are really helpful to start with VLSI

This course covered Basics of Timing, Basics of STA, Timing paths, Skew, Slack, Timing issues and Maximum frequency calculation. For a beginner's point of view, these course modules are really helpful to start with VLSI. These modules taught, help in company written tests and even in Interviews. This course is done in white board which helps in connecting and understanding the topics easily.


Kurszugang inklusive Zertifikat

Beinhaltet den Zugang zum Kurs und ein Teilnahmezertifikat als Download.

29 €*

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(Preis variiert in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der Teilnehmer)

* Unsere Preise beinhalten MwSt.

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