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Vanya Loroch, Ph D, Science Storyteller

CAR T cells: Fantastic Voyages of Serial Killers

  • mandatory workload 40 min
  • language Englisch
  • topics Biotechnologie
  • purchase available 49
  • free certificate included mit Zertifikat

What is the course about?

This course covers all the scientific foundations needed to understand how Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T cells are engineered, their mechanism of action, the main challenges associated with CAR T cell therapies and the promises they hold for tomorrow's curative medicine.

This course also includes a first-in-class resource: Biotech Toolboxes. Biotech toolboxes offer different complementary ways to use relevant key terms, essential for mastering the common territory of all biotechnology. These terms constitute a growing Biotech Toolboxes Encyclopedia, a framework for the creation of shareable life sciences knowledge for all stakeholders in healthcare.

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Course content

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Unit 1 - Introduction
3 min
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Unit 2 - The Killer Cells Within Us
5 min
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Unit 3 - Immunosurveillance
4 min
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Unit 4 - The Making Of Serial Killers
7 min
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Unit 5 - The Kymriah Protocol
5 min
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Unit 6 - Side Effects
5 min
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Unit 7 - Fantastic Voyages Of The Future
6 min
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Test your knowledge
5 min

What will you learn?

By the end of the course, you will have a clear conceptual understanding of:

  • immunological cytotoxicity;
  • the main classes of cytotoxic immune system cells;
  • the notion of cancer immunosurveillance;
  • MHC 1, T cell receptors and T cell cytotoxicity.

In addition, you will learn:

  • how CAR T cells are engineered;
  • how CAR T cell therapy is administered;
  • what side effects it may have and how are these side effects managed;
  • what are the limitations of current CAR T cell therapies;
  • what may be future CAR T cell therapies and what diseases they may address.

What is the target audience?

  • All professionals involved in oncology drug development.
  • All biomedical professionals in need of continuing medical education.
  • Investors and other enablers of oncology drug pipelines.
  • Regulatory affairs and regulatory science professionals.
  • Cancer care providers and caregivers that are non-oncologists.
  • University students interested in life sciences.
  • Anyone with a strong interest in cancer therapies.

What prior knowledge is required?

Prior knowledge of basic cell biology and fundamentals of cancer biology recommended, but not required.

Course instructors

  • mandatory workload 40 min
  • language Englisch
  • topics Biotechnologie
  • purchase available 49
  • free certificate included mit Zertifikat
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Kurszugang inklusive Zertifikat

Beinhaltet den Zugang zum Kurs und ein Teilnahmezertifikat als Download.

49 €*
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(Preis variiert in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der Teilnehmer)
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* Unsere Preise beinhalten MwSt.

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CAR T cells: Fantastic Voyages of Serial Killers

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