Nayfi Beingolea
18. Nov 2016 20:39 heures
Chapitre 2 › WHY are you doing the things you do? : WHY are you doing the things you do? Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

WHY are you doing the things you do?

Prioritizing your to-do-list by looking at WHY

Primer: This assignment consists of 2 options - choose 1:


Like most marketers, you will have an overwhelming to do list. To help you prioritize it and maybe also to get rid of some tasks, we would like to ask you to:

1. Write down your marketing campaign or program related tasks or projects (depending on what is more suitable for your job situation).

2. Then probe them with WHY. WHY are you running that project or WHY are you doing this task? Ask WHY until you come to an answer that is related to an outcome that is beneficial to your business.


If you don´t have any marketing or program related tasks, do the same with other tasks you are dealing with.

PS 1: This assignments only refers to tasks or projects that are related to things/ information you can share with others. Because there is no "private option" setting. You can either choose to share it with your course members only or with the whole iversity community (See last point in the journal entry "Permission")

PS 2: Approaching everything with "WHY?" in mind is a habit. The more often you do it, the easier it will get. : )

WHY are you doing the things you do?


Fan pages for our brands.
WHY ?: To have a social media contact with our end users to make known our products, benefits and activities directed towards them. Also, create a means by which users give us their feed back.

Have a team of demonstrators
WHY ?: The goal is for customers and end users to know the features and benefits of our products. Also, to use our tools correctly.

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