Mira Christine Mühlenhof
Coach / Trainerin / Autorin / Rednerin
Mira Christine Mühlenhof is an expert in intrinsic motivation and, as a conflict coach, specialized in interpersonal relationships.
After graduating in social psychology and German philology, she worked as journalist and presenter. In 2012, she founded her coaching- and consulting business: a lab to research the inner drive of human beings..
She specializes in in-depth analyses of personalities, interpersonal relationships and corporate cultures, as well as the development of innovative training formats. Her clients include Deutsche Bahn, Airbus, E.DIS and BMW.
What Mira's team says about her:
Energetic, untiring, empathic, generous, open-hearted, motivating, successful, nutritionally conscious, enthusiastic, outward-looking, lively, workhorse, funny, determined, bubbly, entertaining, great speaker, knowledge of human nature, versatile, curious, colourful, helpful, bon vivant, team spirit, community person, rousing.
Contact: mira.muehlenhof@keytosee.de