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Marina Shpakovskaja


Born in 1953 in Moscow. In 1976 she graduated from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. Mv Lomonosov specialty "History of the USSR." From 1976 to 1991 she worked in the Cuba sector of the Institute of Economics of the World Socialist System of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Working at the Institute in 1986, she defended her thesis on the specialty "History of international relations and foreign policy" on the subject - "Cooperation of the Soviet Union and the Republic of Cuba in the preparation of Cuban national personnel." From 1997 to 2001 she was a doctoral student at the Department of Russian History at RUDN. In 2003 she prepared for publication and published the book “А.А. Kizevetter in Russian historiography. In the same year, the doctoral thesis “A. Kizevetter in Russian Historiography.
Since 2000 he has been working at the Department of Theory and History of International Relations of RUDN. He is the curator of the Scientific Student Society "International", created on the basis of the department. Organizes and conducts scientific student conferences, "round tables" and other scientific events. Supervises the publication of student research products.
He is a member of the dissertation council D. 212.203.03 PFUR. He is a member of the presidium of the movement "For the Strengthening of a Democratic World Law and Order and in Support of the UN."
His research interests encompass a number of issues: the history of international relations, the history of diplomacy, modern problems of globalization, the problem of disarmament, modern diplomacy of Italy, and Russian emigration: its role and importance of world culture.
Basics cit: Monograph - A.A. Kizevetter in Russian historiography. - M .: RUDN, 2003. Reviews: Book review: Narinsky M.M. History of International Relations 1945-1975: Study Guide. - M. Publishing house ROSSPEN, 2004. // Bulletin of RUDN. Series “International Relations”, No. 1. M .: Publishing House of the RUDN University, 2005. p. 257-261; Book Review: Shakleina TA Russia and the United States in the new world order. Discussions in the political and academic communities of Russia and the United States. (1991-2002) M .: Publishing house ISCRAN 2002. // Bulletin of RUDN. Series "International Relations", №1. M .: Publishing house of PFUR, 2004. P. 240-241. Articles: Republic of Cuba. Economics and politics of the foreign countries of socialism (in collaboration with A. Mikhailov). M. Publishing House Science, 1982; Some questions of the state and solution of the environmental problem in Cuba. // The environmental problem of the CMEA member countries. M .: Publishing house IEMSS Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1990; Eleven years in emigration (from the life of Professor A. Kiesewetter in Prague) - based on materials from Moscow archives. // West nickname RUDN. Series "International Relations", №1. M .: Publishing house of RUDN, 2001; On the cultural mission of Russian emigrants // Bulletin of the RUDN University. Series “International Relations”, No. 3. M .: Publishing House of the RUDN University, 2003. p. 103-109; From the history of disarmament negotiations in Europe: 70-80-ies. Twentieth century. and modernity. // Scientist, teacher, public figure. On the 85th anniversary of the honorary professor of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Doctor of Historical Sciences A.S. Protopopov. M .: Publishing house of RUDN, 2007. P. 179-185; Moscow and Russian abroad. // The first Zabelinsky (Kuntz) reading. Favorite city? Designing a new quality of life. M .: Izd-vo MIOO, 2005. P. 67-71; About the life and activities of Russian emigrants in Czechoslovakia (1918-1928). Russian points of support: historical and prognostic analysis. M .: Izd-vo MIOO, 2006. p. 147-149; On the cultural mission of Russian émigrés. M .: Publishing house of PFUR, 2003. p. 103-109; The memory of the past. Russians in Prague. (1918-1929). // Spirituality, morality and culture of Russian history. M .: Publishing house of RUDN, 2006. p. 744-748; Russian emigration of the first wave: traditions and culture. // History-society-culture-education-language (Problems of cultural dynamics of intercivilizational interactions and communication in social development). Issue 1. M .: Publishing house of the RUDN University, 2007. P.177-182; From the history of negotiations on disarmament between the USSR and the USA in the 80s. Twentieth century. // Modern problems of international relations and world politics: Proceedings of the fourth intercollegiate scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. M .: Publishing house of RUDN, 2008. p. 253-259); Some questions from the history of the struggle for disarmament in the 80s. Twentieth century. // Some problems of international relations and Russian foreign policy (history and modernity). M .: Econinform, 2009. p. 175-190; Lecture notes. Fundamentals of diplomacy and international relations. M .: Publishing house of RUDN, 2006; Toolkit. History of international relations (From the Middle Ages to the First World War). (In collaboration with VG Dzhangiryan). M .: Publishing house of RUDN, 2007.