Julia Kornacker
24. Avr 2016 17:54 heures
Chapitre 4 › Unit 3: Gamification in Corporate Digital Learning: Gamification for Martina! Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Gamification for Martina!

Do you remember Martina from chapter 2?

enter image description here enter image description here

You already defined her learning objectives.
You helped her create a culture of learning.
Now it is time, to think about gamification for her online training and learning. How can you add game elements and motivate her in her learning journey?

Need some inspiration for this journal exercise?

1) Article by John Hagel and John Seely Brown on how the online game World of Warcraft can help promote innovation - even on the job.

2) Knowledge@Wharton writes about how to use gamification in the health care sector in this article published on business insider.

3) Remember the example in our main material from HP? Here is the article by Chanin Ballance to read up upon their case.

4) Thefuntheory.com is a Volkswagen initiative that wants to show how easy it is to support and engage people in simple tasks such as bottle recycling or respecting the speed control.

5) Or watch this video by Khan Academy, explaining some of their gamification elements on their platform:

Video by CenterScene

We are excited to see how we can all help Martina out.

Gamification for Martina


Based on the previously mentioned learning objectives for Martina and suggestions about learning formats, Martina could benefit from the following ideas regarding gamification:

In her department with her team members:

• Award credit points for using the 1-2 hours per week of training:
It is very challenging to reserve 1-2 hours for training every week. So the sustainable commitment to develop oneself should be rewarded.
• Include a timeslot in the team jour fixe to talk about interesting anecdotes experienced during the weekly training or in situations when applying the learned content:
--> The funniest anecdote per quarter gets a coffee / invitation for lunch by the team.

The advantage is that Martina can use these little competitions to integrate learning in her team culture. She benefits from it since she develop herself as a leader and at the same time gets insights into her team members’ learning challenges.

With her peers from the f2f & online learning group:

• Participate in a game with leadership challenges (e.g. How to do delegation / make effective meetings etc.)
o Discuss solutions within the group of other team leaders in a “formal” online or f2f course. Build in this trustful relationship by extending the exchange informally beyond the class and co-create knowledge in social learning experience among team leaders.
o Award points for giving feedback on a peer’s challenges
• Develop an App with knowledge nuggets and multiple choice questions for more fact-based information about leadership

The exchange with other team leaders has the advantage that Martina can broaden her horizon and see how her peers are learning - in a funny, and less formal setting.
In order to make gamification for the group of team leaders usable in practice, a training or HRD department has to support (e.g. by developing the app, for example). But Martina could engage herself and ask for such a solution.

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