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Andrea Prencipe

Deputy Rector

Deputy Rector of LUISS Guido Carli University
Full Professor of Organisation and Innovation at LUISS University (I) and a Visiting Professor at Rotterdam School of Management (NL) and holds an International Chair in Organisation at BI Norwegian School of Management (N).
He has held academic positions at SPRU, INSEAD, and University G. d’Annunzio. He has been a Visiting Professor (2010-2013) at Imperial College Business School (UK) and an Honorary Professor (2006-2012) at SPRU (University of Sussex, UK).
Professor Prencipe is an expert on innovation issues in firms, including strategic management of technological and organizational innovation; organizational learning in project-based organizations; implications of modularity on the division and coordination of labor; social capital and innovation processes. He has published articles on this subject in management journals – e.g. Administrative Science Quarterly and Organization Science – as well as in major innovation journals – e.g. Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, and Journal of Product Innovation Management.

See full profile here:
