Jean-Michel Molina
Jean-Michel Molina is Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Paris Diderot - Paris 7, France, and Head of the Infectious Diseases Department at the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris. He received his medical degree from the University School of Medicine of Necker, Paris, and his PhD from the University School of Medicine of Bichat, Paris. Professor Molina completed his internship and residency at the Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, with a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University, Boston, on studies related to HIV infection of stem cells and macrophages.
Professor Molina continues to be involved in basic HIV research and is affiliated to the INSERM U941 in the Saint-Louis Hospital. As the Head of the Infectious Disease Department in the Saint-Louis Hospital, Professor Molina mainly treats immunocompromised HIV-infected patients, bone marrow and renal transplant patients, and patients with haematologic malignancies and cancers.
Professor Molina’s primary clinical research interest lies in the area of the treatment of HIV infection, and he has been involved in a number of studies assessing new drugs or new strategies for the treatment of HIV infection. A cohort of more than 3,500 patients with HIV infection is followed in his department and is involved in this clinical research.
Professor Molina has published numerous papers in a wide variety of scientific journals, including Clinical Infectious Diseases, the Journal of Infectious Diseases, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, and AIDS.
He is the Chair of the Clinical Trial Group at the French National Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS), where multicentre clinical trials are reviewed and implemented in France. Working with the ANRS, Professor Molina has been the principal investigator of a number of clinical trials in HIV-infected patients.
More recently, Professor Molina has broadened his field of interest to the prevention of HIV-infection in high risk individuals using Pre-exposure prophylaxis with TDF/FTC and has been the PI of the ANRS Ipergay trial using on demand PrEP.