Ina Molano
03. Jan 2017 06:16 Uhr
Kapitel 3 › Dissect the marketing strategy of your favorite brand: It´s time for some analysis...dissect the digital marketing strategy of your favorite brand Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

It´s time for some analysis...dissect the digital marketing strategy of your favorite brand

What is your favorite brand?

WHY is it your favorite brand? What is their WHY? Does your why and theirs match? What are the emotional, functional, social or self-expressive benefits they deliver to you?

And how is it reflected in their marketing mix, their 4P´s?

In case you need further instructions on how to tackle it, go to the additional material section of chapter 3.1 (e.g. there is an analysis of the marketing mix of Starbucks)

Apple for Everyone


Apple has evolved to become an important part of so many households. From their iPod, iPad, iPhone and Mac, they have catered to a very wide segment of consumers. It is actually one of my most favorite brands as it was able to relate to my needs. They touch our lives by providing us with the innovation we didn't realize we needed. They have paved the way for innovation to easily reach the consumers. They've touched the emotional, functional, as well as the social aspects of the consumers.

Apple is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and​ Internet offerings.

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