Dudley St Jean
Dudley’s Logbuch
3 Einträge
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»Child presence in the migration flux in the US territorial border with Mexico is a real charge for the US public budget. I makes it more complicated to address as it reveals the importance of …

Child migration, a complexification for border control

Dudley St Jean, 19. Apr 17

»According to the IMF figures, refugees could be what States decide them to be: either a harm or a bargain for their economy. Considering that the developed world is aging and the public financ…

Refugee, a harm or not?

Dudley St Jean, 19. Apr 17

»The main reason why people are forced to leave their country without getting access to the refugees status is a matter of technical definition. Someone who leaves his homeland for persecution,…

International protection access, a technical matter

Dudley St Jean, 19. Apr 17