Cristobal López
29. Feb 2016 04:32 Uhr
Kapitel 4 › Health as a positive leverage for climate policy: Exercise Ch 3 Unit 2: Interview someone Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Exercise Ch 3 Unit 2: Interview someone

Dear course participants
I would ask you to make an interview with a friend or family member. Find out what they think THEY can contribute personally to reduce their own carbon footprint. Then ask them to rank their options according to their preference to actually change their behaviour or whatever they suggest. For example: I would stop eating meat first, then I would turn down the temperature in my apartment . etc- etc.

Please write in the Journal for this interview just the answers your interviewee gave you:
1) what he things an individual can do to reduce their individual carbon footprint
2) What that person thinks he or she would really consider doing herself
Everybody can and should share their interview results and maybe add a comment of their own about the interview, the reaction of the interviewee. In any case, please write down as a minimum 1) a... and 2) a...

Good luck. looking forward to your answers

Rainer Sauerborn

How to reduce carbon footprint - Interview to a member of my family


This are the results about the interview of carbon foodprint reduction:

1) What can an individual do to reduce his carbon footprint?
a. Take the bus to go to work or run some errants,
b. Consume less electricity by watching less T.V., using less the computer at night or having on many electronics appliances at the same time,
c. Use less water during bathing time or washing the car.
d. Buy recicling materials.

2) What are you considering doing yourself for reducing your carbon foodprint?
a. Use less electronics appliances at the same time,
b. Buy recicled materials.

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