Cristobal López
Cristobal’s Logbuch
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»This are the results about the interview of carbon foodprint reduction: 1) What can an individual do to reduce his carbon footprint? a. Take the bus to go to work or run some errants, b. Cons…

How to reduce carbon footprint - Interview to a member of my family

Cristobal López, 29. Feb 16

»The health impact due to climate change that should be prioritized on the United Nations agenda is the increase of infectious diseases (like dengue, chikungunya or zika) as a result of changes…

Priorized health impact due to climate change

Cristobal López, 22. Feb 16

»Whenever I hear about climate change the first thing that pops to my mind are extreme hydro-meteorological events like floods or drought.

Thoughts about climate change

Cristobal López, 12. Feb 16