Karen Wendt

Sustainable Finance

  • PRO
  • 11 h 46 min
  • Englisch
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • 199
  • mit Zertifikat

What is the course about?

In this training course, you become a Sustainable Finance Practitioner. Karen Wendt  and Bernd Villhauer lead you through the learning process. The financial industry has the biggest lever to redirect money to sustainability. Find our PRO Course program on Iversity.org.

Invest in Areas that Have Positive Impacts on the Environment and Society. Learn about the Viable Systems Model, the EU Action Plan for Sustainable Growth, the EU Taxonomy, the EU Green Bond, Social Economy Finance and apply sustainability principles in decision-making.

Align your business models with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Steer Capital Towards Investments that supports a Sustainable Future. Sustainable Finance is a Professional Course for Business Leaders and Practitioners starting now.
We live in the Age of Disruption.

  • Learn how to handle technical, financial, economic, governance and political disruption.
  • Learn about Blockchain, Digital Assets, international initiatives, alternative assets, ESG, impact investing and new value at risk concepts.
  • Learn how to be part of a sustainable world economy. Finance and investing are the biggest lever for a sustainable economy.
  • Redirect capital to sustainable growth.

You learn how to extend due diligence, risk management and impact analysis. You learn about opportunity recognition with a variety of frameworks and tools. They all are relevant for redirecting money to sustainable growth.


01. Modern Principles of Economics and the Functions of Money
02. Financial Systems
03. The Metasystem
04. Financial products and their impact on sustainability
05. Investing in times of climate change, EU Taxonomy and SDGs
06. Social and ecological dimensions in investing and finance
07. Definitions of Sustainable Finance and concepts of sustainability beyond ESG
08. Integrated Risk Management Systems and the Fundamentals of Risk Management
09. The Role of Disruption, Regulation and Political Risks
10. Digitalisation and Blockchain
11. Open Banking and Open Finance
12. The role of the Central Banks as Role Models for Sustainability

Sustainable Finance and impact investing fundamentally changes the way of thinking in the business and investment industry. 

See you in our program.

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Course content

Bootcamp 1: Basics of Finance

Modern Principles of Economics and the Functions of Money, Financial Systems, the Metasystem

Kapitel 1
1 - Functions of Money and Trade
How to use this course
Evaluate the Power of the four Functions of Money
Functions of International Trade
Neuroscience and neuroeconomic Aspects of Money
Comparing the Value of Outcomes in Decision Making
Chapter 1: Control Questions
Kapitel 2
2 - Money Creation Prozess and Institutions
Key institutional components and financial evolution
Creation of money in FIAT and digital currency systems
Role and functions of the Bank for International Settlement
Critical evaluation of MMT
Chapter 2: Control Questions
Kapitel 3
3 - Macro-Micro-Level, Risk, VUCA and Viable Syst…
General Economics Stock Exchanges Explained (Basics)
General Economics - Finance and Payment Explained on a Micro Level
General Economics Stock Exchanges: Advantages and Functions
General Economics: Stock Exchanges and the creation of an equity cult
The Viable System Model, its elements and interplays
The Viable System Model: Categorizing types of Risks
The Viable System Model and the Age of Disruption
Risk elements and interplays - Interview
Main actors, banks, insurance companies, asset manager, intermediaries and platforms
Modern Ecosystem approaches: Finance 2.0
Chapter 3: Control Questions
Kapitel 4
4 - ESG and Impact Investing - Similarities and D…
Understand Frameworks for defining impact I
Understand Frameworks for defining impact II - Interview
Understand Frameworks for defining impact III
Understand Impact and Risk
Understand Impact and Risk II
Understand and evaluate environmental, social and governance risks (ESG) and impacts in products and services
Differentiate between impact and ESG and create Action Plans for managing risks and negative impacts
Create your own Action Plan for Golden Mine
Differentiate between impact and ESG and create Action Plans for managing risks and negative impacts - Interview
Chapter 4: Control Questions

Bootcamp 2: Redirecting capital to sustainability

Financial products and their impact on sustainability, Investing in times of climate change, EU Taxonomy and SDGs, Social and ecological dimensions in investing and finance

Kapitel 1
5 - EU Action Plan, Taxonomy, Green and Social Bo…
Understand the EU Action Plan for Sustainable Finance
Understand the EU Taxonomy, its implications, apply tools and define actions
Understand Green Bonds
Public Private Partnerships I - The sustainability journey
Public Private Partnerships II - Special Purpose Vehicles
Public Private Partnerships III - Main risks
Social Impact Bonds
Sustainability Linked Lending
Differentiate problem knowledge, target knowledge and transformation knowledge using the Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
Chapter 5: Control Questions
Kapitel 2
6 - UN and Global Administrative Law, ESG and SDG…
Understanding the various ESG Approaches
Understanding the various ESG Approaches II
Global Administrative Law: Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles, Principles for Responsible Investments, Montreal Protocol and OECD Guidelines
Global Administrative Law: Global Compact, UN Guiding Principles, Principles for Responsible Investments, Montreal Protocol and OECD Guidelines II
Creating an Impact Assessment
Translating strategy into action
Implementing an investment and lending strategy based on the impact assessment I
Chapter 6: Control Questions

Bootcamp 3: Tools, concepts and products

Definitions of Sustainable Finance and concepts of sustainability beyond ESG, Integrated Risk Management Systems and the Fundamentals of Risk Management, the Role of Disruption, Regulation and Political Risks

Kapitel 1
7 - Conceptualization of Sustainable Finance, Imp…
Understand different conceptualizations of Sustainable Finance
Positive Impact Investing
Alternative Assets
Digital Assets
Chapter 7: Control Questions
Kapitel 2
8 - Extrafinancial Risk Management, Quality Manag…
ESG Investing versus Impact Investing: Similarities and Difference
Extra-financial Risk Management Systems
Evaluation and Quality Management (Plan Do Check Act)
Extrafinancial risk and impact reporting (internal, external, unaudited and audited) based on International Regulations (EU GRI, MIFID))
Chapter 8: Control Questions
Kapitel 3
9 - The EU Green Bond, Role of ESMA, Taxonomy Com…
Understanding Transition Risk, Translation Risk and Political Risk
Green and Brown Taxonomy
EU Non-Financial Risk Reporting Directive - Sustainable Activities-Disclosure according to Article 8
The EU Green Bonds and the role of ESMA (European Security and Markets Authority)
Chapter 9: Control Questions

Bootcamp 4: Central Banks as Role Models for Sustainability

Digitalisation and Blockchain, Open Banking and Open Finance, the role of the Central Banks as Role Models for Sustainability

Kapitel 1
10 - Tokenization of the Economy: Blockchain and …
Sustainable Digital Business Models
Sustainable Digital Business Models - Fireside chat
Sustainable Digital Business Models - Bonus
The Role of Blockchain and Smart Contracts
The Role of Blockchain and Smart Contracts - Blockchain
The Role of Blockchain and Smart Contracts - Fireside chat
Tokenization of the Economy and STOs
Chapter 10: Control Questions
Kapitel 2
11 - Open Banking and Open Finance
Understanding the philosophy and methodologies of Open Banking
Making Open Banking Work
Understanding the Philosophy and methodologies of Open Finance
Making Open Finance Work
Chapter 11: Control Questions
Kapitel 3
12 - The European Central Bank as Sustainability …
The European Central Bank and its strategy for implementation
The European Central Bank and its strategy for implementation II
The European Central Bank and its strategy for implementation III
The Bank for International Settlement and its strategy for implementation of sustainability - Fireside chat
The Bank for International Settlement and its strategy for implementation of sustainability
Chapter 12: Control Questions
Kapitel 4
Resource Library
Checklist Action Plan
The Frankfurt-Hohenheim Guidelines and their implementation via the Corporate Responsibility Rating
Most important Sustainability Definitions
Sources of Information
Value Driver Model Publication
Value Driver Model Slides
Kapitel 5
Course Slideshow

Course instructors


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