What is the course about?
In many organizations processes play an important role. However, structured and targeted work on processes is not always the case!
My course is about how you can design processes in such a way that they become even more customer-oriented and efficient. In simple and practical instructions you will learn how to analyze processes comprehensively, identify improvement approaches completely, quantify potentials plausibly and implement measures effectively.
The course comprises six chapters:
The first chapter provides an introduction to important definitions and pitfalls in process work. It also explains how a useful process map can look like.
The second chapter covers not only the procedure for process analysis but also various systematics for process modeling (e.g. flowcharts, BPMN 2.0, value stream analysis, etc.)
The third chapter presents a checklist for identifying improvement approaches. It classifies concepts such as Lean Management, Agile Management or Outsourcing and explains the "essence" of them: the principles of process improvement.
In the fourth chapter, two specific examples are used to show how the benefits of process improvements can be estimated as plausibly as possible.
The fifth chapter deals with change management, the "hardness degree" system or process controlling tools, how a sustainable implementation of measures to improve processes can succeed.
Finally, the sixth chapter gives an outlook on further fields of action in process management with a process maturity model. It also contains tips on how to anchor process management in an organization.
Course content
Analyse processes
Identify improvements
Estimate potential benefits
Implement measures
Summary and outlook
What will you learn?
After the course, you will ** even better convince colleagues and clients** how you can align the processes of your organization even better with customer needs and save costs at the same time.
What is the target audience?
The course is particularly aimed at specialists and managers who deal with processes on a daily basis and intuitively already have a good grasp of them, but who would like to get a structured overview of methods and tools for process management.
What prior knowledge is required?
For the course no special previous knowledge is necessary.
Course instructors
Thomas Liebetruth
Ich bin Professor für Internationale BWL mit Schwerpunkt Logistik an der OTH Regensburg. Daneben betreibe ich den Blog https://better-process.com. Am meisten Spaß machen mir Lehrveranstaltungen und Trainings zu Supply Chain Management, Prozess- und Einkaufsmanagement. Als zertifizierter Business Coach (DVNLP) und Certified Business Process Professional (GFO/ABPMP) coache ich Fach- und Führungskräfte in Verbesserungsprojekten und im Tagesgeschäft.
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