Voskehat Isakhanyan
31. Jan 2018 14:11 heures

Community currencies get into action for local development


Community Currencies in Action ( CCIA) has transferred knowledge on application of community currencies (CC) across North West Europe. CCs ate local currencies which encourage local-level spending so as to energise citizens, increase social inclusion and strengthen local economies. 5 regions are including in this project , in account of this my region the Noord-Holland is also included.
A pilot currency was implemented in each participating country. Time credits allowing exchange of services using time as a unit of value.
A currency shop was set up for the ‘Makkie’, the currency introduced in Amsterdam’s Indische Buurt neighbourhood, making it easier for residents to get involved in voluntary activities. In Amsterdam, a network for small and medium-sized enterprises allow allows to pay each other for goods and services with their own digital currency, which is reducing real money expenditure, while providing easy access to capital and foging links between SMEs. The project developed the QoinWare IT platform which incorporates bank-grade security and is used by community currencies schemes for transactions. It also produced an online resource centre ( http://community-currency.info) with comprehensive community currencies information. The EU’s European Regional and Development Fund has invested EUR 3 126 957 for above-mentioned project.


Voskehat Isakhanyan
avant environ 6 années

The project tends to support social inclusion, boostering territorial co-operation.

Matteo Salvai (instructor)
avant environ 6 années

Good selection, thanks

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