Rafael Mario Martinez Ortiz
26. Oct 2015 23:34 heures
Chapitre 2 › Basic Shapes: What Does Your Skyline / Countryside Look Like? Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

What Does Your Skyline / Countryside Look Like?

What does your city's or country's most famous building, skyline, monument or landscape look like?

Show the course community in the journal where you are from by drawing a picture with basic shapes. Maybe someone can guess the your region only by your drawing!




My city is located in between several mountains, so we kind of don't have a skyline (unless you just want to see the mountains), so I decided to go with one of the most significant buildings in town: The Cathedral.

I live in Chihuahua, Mexico. People usually say Chihuahua looks like an European City because of some building, the Cathedral being one of them.


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