Priscilla Mendes
16. Juin 2016 21:17 heures
Chapitre 5 › Unit 4: Reflect Your Story, Part II! ☝: Reflect Your Story, Part II! ☝ Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Reflect Your Story, Part II! ☝

Reflecting my Story


Successes - One interesting thing that succeeded in increasing the engagement of the learners was the use of social media platforms.
Challenges - The initial resistance of the users, when presented to a new system, is still the biggest challenge.
Learnings - I found most useful the concepts of backwards design and microlearning, but the entire course was very helpful and clarifying.
Recommendations - I think that one thing very worthy to invest is the concept of alternative credentialing, I see potential in it to be a huge boost in people motivation to apply to digital education. Personally, I am a fan of MOOCs, and other sources of digital acquisition of knowledge, and I would be glad if all the investment in this kind of studies had a more formal kind of acknowledgement.

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