Nikodemus Solitander
Nikodemus’s Journal de bord
5 Saisies
8 Follower

»Mouffe, Chantal. "Post-Marxism: democracy and identity." Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 13.3 (1995): 259-265. Mouffe, Chantal. The democratic paradox. verso, 2000. Scherer, An…

Module 3: Complaint against Quatar, Guatemala, Fiji

Nikodemus Solitander, 17. Mars 16

»Swepston, Lee. "New Step in the International Law on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples: ILO Convention No. 169 of 1989, A." Okla. City UL Rev. 15 (1990): 677. Waterman, Peter, and Jill Timms. Tra…

Module 2: C169 - reasons for non-ratification

Nikodemus Solitander, 17. Mars 16

»"Hallituksen esitys eduskunnalle kotitaloustyöntekijöiden ihmisarvoista työtä koskevan Kansainvälisen työjärjestön vuoden 2011 yleissopimuksen hyväksymiseksi ja laiksi yleissopimuksen lainsääd…

Module 2: Convention 189

Nikodemus Solitander, 10. Mars 16

»Altman, Morris. "Labor rights and labor power and welfare maximization in a market economy-Revising the conventional wisdom." International Journal of Social Economics 27.12 (2000): 1252-1269.…

Module 1: Neoclassical economics and workers rights

Nikodemus Solitander, 07. Mars 16

» Cohen, Joshua. "Minimalism about human rights: The most we can hope for?." Journal of Political Philosophy 12.2 (2004): 190-213. Rorty, R. (2006). Is philosophy relevant to applied ethics…

Module 1: Universalist ethics, relativism and pragmatism

Nikodemus Solitander, 03. Mars 16