Jez Serlin
Jez ’s Journal de bord
5 Saisies
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»Keep learning,thinking, discovering!

Stonehenge 21C

Jez Serlin, 13. Mars 17

»Always misrepresented, irrespective of media

Stonehenge and culture

Jez Serlin, 09. Mars 17

»Archaeologists are not stupid. They recognise Geoffrey was a product of his age and not a credible source.

Geoffrey of Monmouth

Jez Serlin, 09. Mars 17

»No single answer to any question stands out as definitive to any of the questions: looking thus far back in time there are always a myriad of possible interpretations.

When? Why? By whom. Etc

Jez Serlin, 02. Mars 17

»To my mind Stonehenge is surely an integral part of the landscape which surrounds it. Given the relatively small population of Neolithic Britain (compared to today) the prevalence of so many f…

Just stones or landscape?

Jez Serlin, 24. Fév 17