Ina Molano
Ina’s Journal de bord
5 Saisies
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»Video is definitely critical in today's digital marketing world. As a tools company, how-to videos would definitely increase purchase from the target end users. I would definitely upload these…

Handyman videos

Ina Molano, 11. Mai 17

»Google Analytics is probably the more popular free web analytic service, used worldwide by different companies. The insights learned from using this service is invaluable. This platform conven…

Google Analytics

Ina Molano, 11. Mai 17

»With the rise of social media and the internet, our mobile devices have been an important part of our daily lives. From looking up nearby restaurants or booking flights, it has definitely been…

Mobile, mobile, mobile

Ina Molano, 10. Mai 17

»As a customer, social proof definitely influences my buying decisions. With the power of the internet, there's an immense amount of information within reach. Before making a purchase, I dilige…

Social Proofing

Ina Molano, 09. Mai 17

»Storytelling is definitely a vital part of our everyday lives. Storytelling can inspire people to act in surprising ways. It helps us makes sense of the world that is constantly evolving. A s…

Why Storytelling is Important

Ina Molano, 09. Mai 17