Cristobal López
22. Fév 2016 06:30 heures
Chapitre 3 › In your opinion?: Climate Change policy Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Climate Change policy

According to you, which health impact due to climate change should be prioritized on the United Nations agenda?

Priorized health impact due to climate change


The health impact due to climate change that should be prioritized on the United Nations agenda is the increase of infectious diseases (like dengue, chikungunya or zika) as a result of changes in temperature and rainfall nowadays and the future; and the increase in human population, with a lack of correct land use. These natural and human factors exists in geographical zones (tropical and subtropical areas) that occur to be the most habitated in the world, in poor countries that aren't capable to stand the transmission of infectious diseases on a regional scale.

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