Beatrice Rutz
15. Mai 2016 21:20 heures
Chapitre 6 › Create a journal entry: Award: Create a journal entry: Where ist the CCAA heading? Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Create a journal entry: Where ist the CCAA heading?

Journal Assignment

After learning about the CCAA and its eventful history, in which direction do you see the award heading and why?

Share your experiences and have a look a the journals of other participants.
Feel free to comment.

Where is the CCAA heading?


First I learnt from the course that the CCAA needs more documentation. It needs to get hold of its own history. I also understood that nowadays it's more about making (uncensored) Chinese Contempory Art known in China than abroad where there is already broad recognition.
And maybe the CCAA needs some kind of (written) mission statement and jury criterias and rules, in order to implement continuity and also for the purpose of distinction from other awards.


Na Cao
avant presque 8 années

Yes, as a chinese, i have known litte about CCAA before i took part in this Online-Course.
Na Cao

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