Ann Le Roy
02. Août 2016 16:18 heures
Chapitre 3 › Unit 3: Backwards Learning Design: Help out Martina! Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Help out Martina!

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Imagine Martina, a junior but enthusiastic project manager in her company’s marketing department. She was recently promoted to Senior Marketing Manager and Team Lead, supervising 3 other staff members she was previously colleagues with. Even though Martina is quite enthusiastic about her new position, she is also anxious about all the paperwork and new responsibilities. After the first few months, she is swamped with work, feeling shy to delegate and struggling to juggle her old tasks as a project manager on top of now reporting to management.

Martina’s boss feels she now needs to learn management and team leading skills, so she approaches her about getting trained. In order for the training to be effective, we need to identify her possible knowledge gaps and desired skills.

So think about what you want Martina to learn. How can you assess this and how do you want her to learn?

Start with the learning objective and design her training backwards. If you prefer to do this by hand, download the worksheet below.

1) What do you want/expect Martina to learn?
Formulate learning objectives and standards: What should Martina know, understand and be able to do by the end?

2) How will you know and make sure that Martina has learned it?
Determine assessment and impact measurement: How can Martina show what she has learned? What should she be able to demonstrate?

3) What learning experience do you want Martina to have?
Design instructions and decide on learning activities and content forms:
How do you want Martina to learn?

Helping out Martina


0/ I would first ak questions to (Martina &) Martina's Manager: what exactly is expected from Martina : when will you be pleased at the end of the year with her performance as Senior Marketing Manager

1/ What to learn?
1.1. Martina knows what is expected from her as being Senior Marketing Manager
1.2. M shows she can translate this expectations into specific goals and results
1.3. M can achieve the goals and meet the forecasted results
1.4. M can define for what subjects she needs a coach, input, help, best practice ... and will ask for or arrange it for when needed
1.5. M knows and understand the difference between the Management skills and Project Management Skills & can apply this in this job
1.6. M understands she can no longer be a project manager. She also understands she has to take initiatives to delegate certain workload.
1.7. M knows how to motivate people & to work together with a team in a participative way. M can apply this in reality.
1.8. M knows how to engage a team to divide the workload between them, to make a planning and to help each other when needed. She can apply this in reality.
1.9. M can manage her work and her team on an efficient and effective way

  1. First we make a rapport: situation-AS-IS 'actual functioning in the role Senior Marketing Manager' together with Martina and her manager + situation-TO-BE 'functioning 1 year from now in the same role' and in 2 years from now
    We have an agreement of both people on having an evaluation every month on the progress: 1 self-evaluation of Martina + 1 evaluation of the Manager. The differences between those 2 evaluations are subject to a discussion between those people (every month). And the 9 subjects (above) + criteria of the evaluation have to be fixed (document to be made in advance)
    How can she show it?
    By real cases as proof of the evolution (e.g. 1.4. + 1.5. +1.6+1.7. + 1.8. + 1.9.)
    By building a portfolio (e.g. 1.1. + 1.2.)
    By doing role plays to exercise (e.g. 1.7 + 1.8)
    By asking Feedback from the team

  2. To learn what is mentioned in 1
    M has a individual coach - a best practice Senior Manager - to support her on a regularly base for specific questions
    M has her Manager as a coach as well to give feedback on the results and expectations as Senior Manager and which focus is priority.
    M communicates the learning objectives with her team to be able to let help the team achieving these goals. She listens carefully to the suggestions of the team how to achieve them and where the team can help her. She asks regularly for feedback.
    M follows a course Senior Management to learn how exactly this can be brought into practice, how to measure results on that level and to learn form other Senior Managers from other companies.
    Translating this learning into practice is based on discipline, exercise and reflecting. She writes a blog about that.

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