Afonso Pessanha
19. Fév 2017 23:39 heures
Chapitre 1 › The Power of Visualisation: Drawing Animals by Numbers Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Drawing Animals by Numbers

Another great doodle exercise is to take a number and turn it into an animal.
Just like in this example:

enter image description here

And can you detect the number here?

enter image description here

Go ahead and turn the numbers 1-10 into animals and let's see your zoo! (Remember to publish your journal entry if the course community is supposed to see your picture.)

ZOO of Numbers


With a bit a thought it was possible to come up with some animals... from 1 to 10!
enter image description here


Florian Teske
avant presque 8 années

Really like 1 and 10 but all really well done!

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