Susan Patch
04. Jan 2016 20:16 Uhr
Kapitel 5 › Introduction and Tipps: Improve Your Documents or Your Book Notes With Visual Elements Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Improve Your Documents or Your Book Notes With Visual Elements

Take an agenda, table of contents, some reports or descriptions and improve them structurally with your visual vocabulary.

enter image description here

Here is an example of how to visually take notes from a book:
(Check out the icons he is using!)

The next step is to turn the notes into modular cards:

Icons for note-taking


Icons for Note Taking

These are the icons that I commonly use for making notes in margins and on documents


Hannes Klöpper
vor fast 8 Jahren

That 's a great idea to use these not just in presentations, but also for note taking.

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