Nikolaos Athanasios Anagnostopoulos
Nikolaos Athanasios’s Logbuch
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»The Australian "Pacific solution" is clearly against human rights. The Australian government is clearly trying to manipulate internal law into refusing international law protecting the human r…

The Pacific solution is a gross violation of international law

Nikolaos Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, 21. Mär 16

»We should help children migrants even more than adults ones.

Children migrants

Nikolaos Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, 18. Mär 16

»Hosting refugees or immigrants comes at an additional cost. Nevertheless, as they are human beings, one should always help them, within reason, as one should also help all people in need.

How much does hosting refugees cost?

Nikolaos Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, 18. Mär 16

»Let's all help redefining our vocabulary for the purposes of political correctness.

Redefining our vocabulary for political correctness

Nikolaos Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, 08. Mär 16