Lorena Hernandez Quiros
31. Jan 2018 11:35 Uhr
Kapitel 3 › Key achievements of European Structural and Investment funds in 2007-2013: EU projects in your region or in your country Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

EU projects in your region or in your country

Search from the project databases and write the names and a short description of 3 projects financed by the EU in your region or in your country: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/projects

Projects in Comunidad de Madrid, Spain


I have checked which projects have been funded in my region (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain).

On the first hand, I have noticed that for the current period 2014-2020 only a single project awarded with the EuroRegio category is available: 'Mentoring Spanish entrepreneurs across borders' to boost jobs creation. Note that the Euroregio label recognises 'good practices in regional development and highlight original and innovative projects'.

On the second hand, looking back to the past 2007-2013 period, I can see the number of projects was more numerous. In general, the projects had to do with the building and improvement of transport infrastructure for example, by extending the metro to suburbs of the city and thus connecting this area to the rest of the city ('Madrid metro Line 11 opens up the suburbs') or connecting the Spanish capital with peripherical regions such as Murcia by building a high speed train ('Faster rail journeys from Madrid to Murcia'), and building reused water infrastructure to water the parks of the city and clean the city('Keeping Madrid clean and green').


Matteo Salvai (instructor)
vor etwa 6 Jahren

Good! Many thanks for having browsed in the project databases and found these interesting information

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