James Manaley
02. Sep 2016 17:58 Uhr
Kapitel 1 › Digital Transformation for You: Digital Transformation Skills Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

Digital Transformation Skills

Do this assignment to reflect and to evaluate yourself:
- Which of the skills are known to you and which are unknown?
- In your opinion, which of the skills listed in the report are important to your area within the company and your position?
- Which do you think will be important to you in the future?

If you prefer to keep the evaluation to yourself, set the journal settings to private.

Self Assessment - "tax doesn't have to be taxing"


Unsure on:
Internet of things
InMemoray Databases

There are many skills on the list that are necessary however ones that seem most important are:
Business Change Management
Cloud Computing
Big Data Analytics

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