Franziska Gabriel
01. Nov 2017 20:12 Uhr
Kapitel 2 › Climate change to you: What is climate change to you? Aufgabe einblenden Aufgabe ausblenden

What is climate change to you?

What is climate change to you?

Say in few words what comes to your mind when you think about climate change? In other words, to you what is climate change associate with?
You can add images, texts, etc.

What is climate change for me?


Climate change is for me the increasing appearance of extrem weather events like floods, storms, fires and heat. In 2017 there were again many of them hitting our planet. In some places those events will create conditions which make it very hard for humans to live.
On the other hand I see that some governments are not convinced yet about the facts about climate change and don't have the necessary drive to do something against it.

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