Carol Smith
23. Nov 2015 16:12 Uhr

I want to live in a world without war


Wars on civilian populations such as in Palestine, Syria and previously Libya where so called sophisticated societies bomb a country, knowing full well they are killing innocents must end.

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Young Syrian children paying the price for a crime they did not commit nor understand.
Terrorism is about revenge. A vicious cycle of terror. And it all produces is a factory of dead and injured children.
But these boys won't get justice nor sympathy. They are collateral damage in pursuit of "PEACE"

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War, children is just a shot away, it's just a shot away

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Anthem For Doomed Youth

What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle
Can patter out their hasty orisons.
No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells,
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs, -
The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;
And bugles calling for them from sad shires.
What candles may be held to speed them all?
Not in the hands of boys, but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.
The pallor of girls' brows shall be their pall;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,
And each slow dusk a drawing down of blinds.
Wilfred Owen

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Anti-War Art: Nearly Impossible
Even the most abstract of mediums, comic-adapted poetry, finds beauty in the rubble.
Making an anti-war narrative is difficult, in no small part because the "anti-war" and the "narrative" can get in the way of each other.
Narratives, and especially popular narratives, have beginnings, middles, and ends; they have protagonists and antagonists; they have morals. They create out of war a recognizable story, which tends to rationalize, domesticate, and often justify the subject. Calum Marsh recently wrote at The Atlantic about the war boosterism of Lone Survivor, but even more thoughtful war narratives can run into difficulties. Full Metal Jacket, for example, shows war as violent and brutal and awful—but it also turns war into a coming-of-age narrative, where the horrors are part of Joker's transition from weak civilian to knowing warrior who is no longer afraid.
Click the link

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There is no glory in war and any narrative to justify it turns it into the hero's journey where he overcomes his fear. War. brutalizes the population and terrifies the children. So many soldiers return with Post Traumatic Stress imagine the terror of the civilians who are being fired at and bombed and moreover innocent of their governments agenda.
I want to live in a world without war


gertraud weerenbeck
vor fast 9 Jahren


Carol Smith
vor fast 9 Jahren

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