Antonella Vinciguerra
29. Nov 2016 11:33 Uhr

Unaccompanied minors


Reading this article I understand that unaccompanied minors from South America risked all to reach US and a report from UNICEF I just read confirms my idea.
The "theguardian's" article is not so recent and I decided to document about the latest ongoings regarding unaccompanied children who travel from South America to reach US. The report, said that minors, most from from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, are especially vulnerable as they could take years before their cases are called before the over-burdened immigration courts. Most of the apprehended minors, the UNICEF report says, do not have access to court-appointed lawyers, and that about 40 percent of those children receive deportation orders.
I think the situation could be better if the US would ratify the Convention on the rights of the child, that it signed years ago.
The US has a well-established set of institutions and policies to protect migrant children but when many children are facing exploitation or abuse or are being denied their rights, there is something to reconsider and to change in this system.

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