Julia Vagiani
23. nov. 2016 07:24 heures
Chapitre 1 › Let´s start with...YOURSELF! Or: Switch in your role as a customer!: Let´s start with...YOURSELF! Or: Switch in your role as a customer! Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Let´s start with...YOURSELF! Or: Switch in your role as a customer!

Track your own behavior in respect to the new marketing reality for the next 2 weeks

A key element to successful marketing is understanding our customers and how to reach them. In the end, it´s always people - no matter whether B2C or B2B - we are marketing to. Yet, let´s face it, we sometimes tend to forget that there are real people behind the screens. Therefore we do things that we would - if we were our own customers - easily identify as, well ... "not the best option“.

Therefore, we ask you to look at the new marketing reality from your perspective as a customer (no matter whether B2C or B2B).

You can use these questions as your guideline and get some inspirations of what to look at:

1. The demise of classic online communication
- (Let´s be honest:) Are you using an ad blocker? And if so, why?
- How often do you feel annoyed by banner ads and/ or click them by accident?
- Are there classic display banners that positively caught your attention and why so?

2. Search vs. social
- When do you turn to search, when do you turn to social? What intent or trigger is behind each use?
- When you have spare time: Do you rather turn to search or social?
- In which context do you use different social networks = is there a pattern why are you there, what do you use it for and in which mood are you while using it?
- Which of these 12 social media types describes you?!

3. Always on and truly mobile
- When you use two screens at once: Is their usages related or unrelated? What exactly do you do?
- Is there a difference when you use search on desktop vs mobile?
- Do you read emails or access websites with your smartphone that are not mobile optimized? If yes, why?

4. The new role of customer service & experience
- Did you have any negative experience with a company? What did they do and how did it change your perception of them?
- Did you you have a great experience with a company? What did they do and how did it change your perception of them?

5. The rise of the external sales force
- Do you rely on any kind of third party information while researching for something you want to buy or consume? If so, why and what is it?

6. The new platform economy
- How much online time do you spend „outside the platform economy“?
- If you bought something "physical", do you buy it through someone else but Amazon or Alibaba? If not, why?

7. Overall shifts
- What caught your attention from a brand you did not know before? How did they do that?
- In case you have not yet figured out what Facebook thinks your interests are, you can do that now!
- In case you have not yet figured out what Google knows about you, you can do that now!

Let´s start with...YOURSELF! Or: Switch in your role as a customer!


Being a strong believer of understanding the customer by realizing how I would react in the new marketing reality, can be a good example but I don't believe it's complete.
My generation is savvy but not as much as the millennials.
The way I use the internet is different to another person of my generation who has a different profession or education.
Coming to a marketing role I have to consider many elements which are going to guide me into choosing the right approach , including digital marketing.
My consumers are in different markets, use different languages, have different cultures and habits, different education and needs, different professions and working experiences and like different sports and go digital under different preference of applications and platforms.
I have to take into account that since I hadn't been using ad blocker until after I took this course's first chapter, maybe some of my consumers don't do either.
And of course I get annoyed when the fat finger makes my choices ! Display banners get my attention only if during the time I am on line, I have available time to quick look at their content which must interest me in some big extent otherwise , I don't get bothered.
Mind you this is a person who other than e-banking, hotels and air tickets, doesn't really use the internet to buy much - I'd rather go "physical" and "traditional". Which is my challenge , since as I mention above , this is what my consumers are : Traditional.
Therefor, for myself, I won't use any external sales force. More likely, I will compare what different options I have in terms of value of the same product or service that I am interested in, online and make my own decision.
My preferred search platform in Google since compared to explorer I find easier and being traditional , I don't like to change habits easily. So, I do my searching on Google and keep my main digital socializing on Facebook. Being away from home , it helps to keep up with most of my friends around the globe. I don't spent that much time anymore as I did when I first joined, but I use it to share a mood, an interesting image or news or from the part of the world where I live . My concern is mainly on keeping in touch and not losing the engagement and hopefully influence my friends in a positive manner.
And it came as a rather satisfying information to hear that Facebook has been the most proven channel that can truly sell - Done right of course , as in most cases. I can use this as an argument too, thanks to this training :)
Besides, the fact that motivation is the key to harness new behaviors to build deeper empathy, telling your story is making an impact and by caring, you effect other people's lives even though you're thousand miles away - that's extraordinary!
When it comes to mobile usage in relation to my desktop, well I have to say while working on desktop , mobile is mainly used as phone - again traditional. Nevertheless, when I am really mobile , I will use my smart phone to access my emails, social checking or other searches I may need at that point e.g from routing to currency conveyor, restaurants, cinema , translate, a song I may be listening to and want to know which one it is , a quick Skype call or send images or even count my steps on a Sunday walk.
A few years back I used social to call on a negative experience from a company that didn't return my calls and I knew that once I would go viral , they would have to do something about their image. And at least they did try to explain - this time in "public" . Even called me back after that to make sure I got their feedback . I realize the power must be even bigger now and it's pretty interesting how "word of mouth" is still , even digital, the very old way of making things known.
Hope I got your attention, although this read must take more than 8 seconds !
The Greek Ultra Ranter.

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