Ellen van Dongen
15. Nov 2016 17:15 heures

2. Lifemaps.NL: value proposition


enter image description here
We are in a period of transition towards a new economy: circular and social. It is completely up to us to create it. The journey begins with me and you and it will be full of challenges, traveling through unknown territory.

We have all learned very much, but many methods and approaches to 'doing business' have become obsolete. Everybody coming from the old economy (like me) has adopted patterns and beliefs, which are no longer valid. And at the same time the fundamental questions of life often have not been addressed: who am I, as a person, as an entrepreneur? What do I stand for through my actions and choices; do I live my values? What is my purpose in life, how will my life's work be serving my goals & those of others & those of the community & add vitality to the earth?

I personally needed to do some pretty fundamental renewal within myself to be up to the challenges for the future - still working on it - believe me! In this process I have developed lifemaps around the core questions and themes of life (and business). My belief is, that we need to get to the core of who we are and why we are here, to find the strength of fundament we need to play our role in the worldwide transition.

Value proposition:
In the core lifemaps are products (+) and a framework (+) to help individuals coach themselves in their personal transformation. By evaluating your life, working through the big themes and questions - with poster and stickers, by the way - you will find many answers and insights, strengthen your belief in yourself, get clarity in your goals and priorities and develop a stronger sense of purpose and direction based in who you are. This will bring more happiness for yourself and enrich your life's contribution.

(+) = both will be in continuous development to include new trends, knowledge, experience and diversity. Both are flexibile in design and production. In fact there are many opportunities to further develop the framework and create new lifemaps or adapt lifemaps for specific sectors or goals - and generate business for coaches and trainers.


Eva Jansen
avant plus de 7 années

Dear Ellen,
I think this is a good proposition; it makes clear which value will be created for the people!
Next to this, I tink it is a very good idea. I definitely recognize the context above. I think that people could be much more happier if the define their values and life by them. Maybe it is an idea to mention that somewhere :-).

Good luck,

Ellen van Dongen
avant plus de 7 années

Thank you for your valuable comment, Eva, I will adapt mijn text.

Guy Van Wunnik
avant plus de 7 années

is really like your idea. I think many of us struggle or are going to be struggling with the subjects you mentioned. The one thing that is not clear to me is what your product will look like and how an individual would 'work' with it. But hey, that can still come.
Your idea would help on a personal level clearing the road to go ahead and 'do the right thing'. And that is massively important.
From my own experience (and yours if i read correctly) this is quite a rocky and treacherous road, that's why i wonder how the individual would be 'helped' or 'coached'.

Ellen van Dongen
avant plus de 7 années

Hi Guy, thank you so much, you are lifting my spirits. You have a wonderfully clear way to put things into words. What can I do for you? What are your ideas/questions for this course?

Yes, it is a rocky road! I have developed the lifemaps originally for highly intelligent do-it-yourself people. But coaches and trainers in my network saw the potential of the lifemaps and the framework of building blocks for lifemaps for their work with individuals and teams. So now I am always looking for more coaches and trainers - inside or outside organizations - who want to work with lifemaps. I motivate them, help adapt lifemaps to match their themes and approaches and stay in the background when delivering a service is involved.

When you want to have a look..... the core products (only in Dutch at the moment) are lifemaps to get a quick overview of life, work or a situatie -> https://www.lifemaps.nl/product-categorie/snel-naar-overzicht/ and lifemaps for deep self-search -> https://www.lifemaps.nl/product-categorie/diep-zelfonderzoek/

Lieve Vereycken
avant plus de 7 années

Hi Ellen,

I look forward to get each other better known in the coming weeks and months.

While I am reading your stuff, I am realising that in some ways I am asking the same questions in my stage of NBM.

Some thoughts:

  • As I have told I am connected to Weconomics Foundations. They are one of the stakeholders I was looking for some years ago. They have the "4P-words" related to an appropriate digital infrastructure (IoT ?), namely privacy, power, productivity and purpose.
  • One aspect of the Weconomy model is the collaborative economy. If people have good sense of purpose, the could use their power to contribute (privacy is a condition for power).
  • For attracting co-designers you have to be able to communicate your "purpose" and get ways to get stronger together.

Do you believe you have to think about your own business model (business model you) before you start to connect ? And if so ? Do you integrate this aspect in Life Maps ?

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