28. Avr 2016 22:25 heures
Chapitre 5 › Unit 4: Reflect Your Story, Part II! ☝: Reflect Your Story, Part II! ☝ Afficher le devoir Masquer le devoir

Reflect Your Story, Part II! ☝

My change of mind about Digital Learning.


When I began this course, I don´t know if for own election or for mistake, I have a short meaning about Corporative Digital Learning, I was thinking only in the importance of it to teach, but not I have a more complete idea about the importance of Digital Learning for all my institution inside and outside.

New Successes

My main success is knowing that digital learning could to improvement all areas of my institutions, no only teaching, as administrative, learning new requirements, new challenges in the administrative issues, and most important learning is not boring task but there are a lot of strategies to be attractive it.

Other success was discover that most important companies has a Deparment of Digital Learning to solve challenges and to be live in the international landscape. The digital learning is not any additional but neccesary to all companies.

New challenges

I arrive later to the digital learning, I need to learn more about it, but my challenge is to apply my new knowledge about Digital Learning in my insitution and showing the importance to include this aspect as part of our short and longe plan of action.

New Learning.

I learn the importance of online digital learning, and how it could to be fun but also learn that digital is not displacing the other strategies of learning, and that you could to have a blending learning, where you have not only the learning about any aspect, taking the videos, but you could to solving more complex problems or your institution, and to complement it with exercises o practices in situ.

New Recomendations

The importance of know how other instituions like mine are advancing in digital learning and how they are incorporated this area in the planning. Know what strategies have been the most successful and what the most difficult.


Katharina from iversity
avant presque 8 années

It seems like you had and are having a good learning journey! This is great.

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