Elia Serratos Chavez
11 Mar 2018, 05:12 AM
Chapters 2 › Share your experience: Logic of intervention and results and output indicators: Share and comment View instructions Hide instructions

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Please describe challenges you have faced in identifying the logic of intervention and results and output indicatorsin your region. You can either share your experience with specific examples or with more general aspects.

If you have not been directly involved in the development of indicators for RIS3 monitoring, feel free to ask questions and provide your views on questions raised by others.

Outputs and results


Aunque el módulo es muy claro, por la corta experiencia que tengo me sigue complicando la generación de indicadores de resultados. A quienes tienen más expertise en este ámbito, ¿qué recomiendan para desarrollar más habilidades?


Elisabetta Marinelli (instructor)
about 6 years ago

Result indicators are quite difficult to generate. I will highlight your question in my forthcoming message, to see if other MOOC participants can share their experience and provide additional material.

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